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The #1 podcast

for your Christian parenting journey


Living in attachment

In our podcast, we talk about how to make your parenting attachment-based and share the knowledge you need to start the change.

Our most popular episodes

The immaturity of children

How we relate to children depends on how we look at them. That's why it's so important to understand what's actually going on inside them (and us!).

Resting in the Bond

Who of us doesn't want their child to become a mature and happy person? How can we facilitate such a development? And what does this have to do with redemption?

The two kinds of love 

God’s love is different to man’s love. And love plays the main part in our parenting. Are you manifesting true godly love towards your child? Where is the difference?

Whether you’re cleaning your house, driving the car, or helping your child fall asleep, our podcast is your companion every day to help you be there for your child:

  1. when your child refuses to brush their teeth or get dressed

  2. when they have tantrums and you feel overwhelmed with their anger

  3. when you wonder when they will finally learn patience, empathy and impulse control

Listen to our podcast and look forward to many "aha"-moments, strategies, and practical ideas for your everyday family life.


You can also find our podcast on the following platforms:


inBindung in numbers

"Your podcast is an island where I can escape to, get input, refuel and become aware of what's actually really important. It totally helps in everyday life with kids! Especially when you're overwhelmed." 


Our podcast in other languages

Translation of foreign language podcasts are done by enthusiastic volunteers. To never miss a new translation, subscribe to the podcast in your language!" 

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